Sunday 27 November 2011

Survivor Series 2011 Results The Rock And John Cena

The Rock and John Cena vs The Miz and R-Truth:

The Rock begins by dominating both Miz and Truth and then Cena asks to come in who also puts the beating on Awesome Truth until he gets distracted by The Rock and for a good part of the match is punished by Truth and Miz. In the end The Rock comes back in and cleans house, thanks partially to Cena who takes care of Truth so that The Rock can deliver the Peope’s Elbow to Miz and get the win. After the match The Rock is celebrating in the ring while Cena decides to walk back to the locker room. The Rock has a problem with this, not understanding why Cena won’t celebrate the victory like a man. Cena forcefully comes back and celebrates but the crowd boos him. The Rock shows him how to do it, but no matter how many times Cena raises his hand up in celebration, he gets booed. In the end Cena decides this is not for him and decides to leave, but The Rock ‘Rock Bottoms’ him and the show ends, setting up what should be an epic Wrestlemania main event.

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