Sunday 27 November 2011

Survivor Series 2011 Results World Heavy Weight championship Match

Mark Henry Vs Big Show:

The match begins with a series of test of strength tie ups.  Big Show gets the better of them.  Mark Henry is becoming frustrated as Big Show is getting the better of him each time they come into contact.A lot of nothing happening thus far, Mark Henry playing the whiny heel, claiming Big Show is cheating by grabbing the tights, or hitting him while he's in the ropes. This time when they close the distance, Big Show throws some uppercuts in the clinch, and Henry whips him into the ropes, then drops Show by attacking the knee.  Henry starts working a submission on the knee now.Big Show hits a DDT as the crowd chants "boring"...too much stalling too early in the match.  Hope there's a big payoff for this.  Is that a "Daniel Bryan" chant???  Yes, yes it is.  Michael Cole notes it, and says Bryan isn't there due to an injury.  In fact, Bryan was with Gene LeBell who was cornering Ronda Rousey in an MMA bout Friday night where she snapped a gal's arm with an armbar...ahem.  Sorry, I needed something to write about since this match has slowed to a crawl.

Mark Henry hits the World's Strongest Slam, but doesn't get the three count.  Henry taking control now, outside of the ring.  He rams Big Show into the corner post.  Henry then tackles Big Show through the barricade!Big Show gets into the ring before being counted out.Big Show hits Henry with a super kick (!!?!?!?!) and then climbs the top rope...and then hits an elbow drop!  Wow!  Mark Henry kicks out!"Randy Savage" chants by the crowd.  Mark Henry ducks the WMD, and answers with a swift kick to the groin, getting himself disqualified.Big Show def. Mark Henry via DQMark Henry grabs his title and is about to leave, but Henry stops, and drops the title.He goes and grabs a steel chair...will someone make the save for Big Show. Henry chases off the ref, and puts Big Show's ankle in the steel chair.  Big Show moves out of the way, and they stand, Big Show drops the champion with the WMD.  The crowd is chanting for Daniel Bryan now, and this would be a great chance for a cash in. Big Show now puts Henry's foot in the chair, and hits it with a leg drop.  Henry writhes in pain.He's attended to by medical personnel, and Big Show stomps off. 

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